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Welcome to the Shih Tzu Club Breed Database

Animal Data
Allows you to explore the pedigrees and other details of thousands of Shih Tzu from the present day right back the the first imports from China in the 1930's. A sizeable, and growing, number of these dogs are from countries other than the UK.
Show Results
Gives you access to UK Championship Show results dating back to January 2000 and critique data where available.

We now have 21 full years of Championship show results on record.
Breed Competitions
Shows you the results of the sponsored competitions which run over the course of the year - Top Shih Tzu, Top Sire etc. Results from 2004 and earlier are not available due to the difficulty in collating Group placings. These scores are updated shortly after each show.
Judge Information
Shows you the appointment history and result highlights of that appointment for each judge.
Dog of the Week

Kucheng Timed To Perfection

Database Statistics

21105 Animals
(3817 Champions )
882 Show Results

9145 dogs with 4 or more Complete Generations
1 Animals whose furthest ancestor
is 71 Generations back.
The database has been up & running for 20 years and is now firmly established as a premier breed resource with Shih Tzu fanciers around the world. With the help and support of all those active in the breed it continues to grow and evolve. On every page containing animal data is a link to report errors and omissions. Please help to support this project by letting us know if you have information which can help to improve the database.

The Shih Tzu Club would like to thank all those who give their time and without whose effort and dedication this project wouldn't be possible. The Club would also like to give special thanks to Alan Brown for kindly allowing us to incorporate Wendy's database which not only saved many weeks of work but gave us details of dogs from abroad which we would have struggled to obtain otherwise.