Thaisu Morningstar Avec Kimevan JW

Show Result History

1st Post Graduate Dog2024Extra Champ Show STCSWWCMrs J BownsI loved this boys head and expression good dark eyes, well balanced moves out with drive.
Res Post Graduate Dog2024Extra Champ Show Manchu STCMrs L Hey
1st Minor Limit Dog2024Shih Tzu ClubMrs S StevensSolid Gold with black mask, large broad head with lovely expression, large dark eyes, wide jaw, good rib, well bodied, correct tailset moved out with drive showing full pads.
Res Post Graduate Dog2024DarlingtonMr M James
2nd Post Graduate Dog2024Welsh KCMrs J QuickSolid gold black mask. Very close to 1st, lovely expression, pigment excellent showing breed type. Large dark eyes, muzzle well padded. Front legs good bone, deep chest/rib, sturdy body, level topline, correct tail set carried well over back. Front / rear movement - moved freely, lovely rear movement showing strong flick of full pads. Coat presentation excellent. 3rd. Peekin Reggie Rebel-Tu.
1st Post Graduate Dog2024LeedsMr S Payne
1st Yearling Dog2024WindsorMrs S DykesSolid Gold of lovely shape & size. Good nose placement but eye could be rounder. Correct front construction, short coupled, good hind action. Well presented in good coat. Moved well.
2nd Yearling Dog2024BlackpoolDr A PaloheimoLovely type, solid bone, body still needs more time, excellent coat, could have moved better today.
1st Yearling Dog2024Shih Tzu Club of ScotlandMrs L FarnworthSolid gold with black mask. Beautiful head domed, broad large round dark eye, black nose leather, slight tilt, set in a wide muzzle, with good jaw width, correct dentition. Head carried on a strong arched neck. Rib cage let down deeply between the two front legs. Barrel rib cage, short loin. Level topline and good tail carriage. Low to ground. Correct proportions.
1st Yearling Dog2024Border UnionMr T WareingAnother solid gold with a dark mask. Round eyes, broad mouth, good pigmentation, resulting in an appealing expression. Level topline and balanced profile. Lovely to see such a confident mover - handler did well to keep this energetic, promising youngster at bay! A singleton today but would have done well in a much larger class.
1st Post Graduate Dog2024Scottish KC (All Breeds)Mrs D SpavinLovely breed type, balanced head and ample furnishings, broad front with good depth and ribs, lovely arched neck, balanced outline, good tail carriage and showed well.
1st Post Graduate Dog2024Scottish KC (General)Mr P HardingNineteen months old pleasing head muzzle well-furnished, correct bite, pleasing neck and ribcage with pleasing topline, pleasing front and rear, moved out with purpose.
Dog RCC, 1st PGD2024Scottish Utility BreedsMrs Y Rawleyas above.
1st Yearling Dog2024Northern Counties Shih Tzu ClubMrs M ThorpeLovely boy, very nice head, broad skull, nice width between eyes, very good ribcage, carried his high tail well.
2nd Junior Dog2024CruftsMrs G DolphinSolid gold again nearly 18 months old. Slightly smaller than winner with lovely balance and type. Good head and expression. Hope he develops more substance as he matures. He has a good mouth. Moved with rear driver. Shown in lovely coat.
Dog RCC, 1st GD2024Extra Champ Show STCMrs G M GilkesSolid gold, Have admired this dog since he was a puppy and he did’t disappoint. He has a beautiful broad head, dark eyes and a melting, yet masculine expression. H is sturdy, has an arched neck with good angulation fore and aft. Lovely, well presented coat and true movement. RCC
1st Novice Dog
Res Junior Dog
2023STC Summer Open ShowMr A DredgeReserve in junior, 12-month-old moved well to win this class good coat and condition.
1st Novice Dog
2nd Junior Dog
2023Shih Tzu ClubMr F Kane12-month-old caught the eye immediately for his carriage and movement. Good skull and foreface and lovely eyes. Just needs a little more finish of lip, full of type and quality. Excellent tail carriage.
3rd Puppy Dog2023DarlingtonMr J Horswell
1st Puppy Dog2023City of BirminghamMrs S Duffin11 months, gold double coated dog with breed typical head complemented by nice black wide nostrils and expressive eyes, liked his neck, outline and movement, BPD.
1st Puppy Dog2023DriffieldMs K TodSolid Gold with black mask. 11month old, with bags of attitude! Lovely outline, dark round eye, good outline. Well laid back shoulder and powered round the ring like a seasoned professional. Profuse in coat, well presented. BP, and pushed really hard for BPIB.
1st Puppy Dog2023Welsh KCMr T MatherGlamorous with a good eye and pleasing breadth of skull. Good body and rib with high set, well carried tail. Very good coat for age.
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog
2023LeedsMrs C E Cartledge
1st Puppy Dog2023BlackpoolMr P YoungQuite mature, handsome headed gold dog, with dark expressive eyes, good stop and width to jaw, overall good profile and proportions. Strong well made body. Moves well covering the ground and showing clean heels.
1st Novice Dog
2nd Junior Dog
2023Shih Tzu Club of ScotlandMrs H Shawsolid gold youngster with dark round eyes giving a gentle expression. Correct nose placement & good dentition. Ribs developing well, level topline & nicely angulated rear. Moved with drive from behind & in lovely coat & condition.
Best Puppy
1st Minor Puppy Dog
2023Border UnionMrs H Chadwick8months solid gold with black mask. Of excellent breed type and quality. Large, broad head with beautiful large dark eyes, Dentition was excellent with a chin, enhancing his expression. Well sprung ribs, good bone, level topline and excellent tail set. In very good coat and so well presented. He was not too happy in the class. I think it was a combination of the wind and standing alone as when he returned for the challenge, he was much happier and showed himself with style. He kept his shape on the move and carried his tail correctly. He moved very well in both directions. I was pleased to award him BPD and BPIB.
1st Minor Puppy Dog2023Scottish KC (All Breeds)Ms S HattrellLovely quality Gold 8 mth to start the day, such a happy little chap, broad round head with large round dark eyes and warm expression, excellent bite of good width, broad chest, thighs well rounded and high set tail carried well over his back, moved out really well with good forward reach and showing full pad in the rear, well presented coat, lots of promise. BPD.
2nd Junior Dog2023Scottish KC (General)Mr G RobertsonAnother nicely balanced head with large dark eyes, rounded skull, open nostrils, padded lips. Arched neck, moderate, balanced front assembly, like 1 could have bigger ribs. Low set hocks, ok tail, prefer body proportions on 1
Best Puppy
1st Minor Puppy Dog
2023BirminghamMr S Matthews7month old Solid Gold - Caught my eye as soon as he entered the ring. Such a happy puppy. Broad skull, nice width of jaw, good rib cage, level topline which he kept on the move. I do believe he has a bright future. Awarded BPIB
Best Puppy
1st Minor Puppy Dog
2023Northern Counties Shih Tzu ClubMiss E GibbonsVery promising 6 month old. Solid gold. Lovely head and expression. Broad jaw. Dark eyes and pigment. Very shapely. Correctly laid shoulders Well sprung rib of correct length. Moving with drive and enthusiasm. Shown in lovely puppy bloom. BPD & BPIS. I look forward to watching his progress.


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